I have made home made poptarts before with store bought pie crust but this time I decided to make it. I used strawberry jam, nutella and apple butter in the center of these. I am freezing them to eat on busy days. For the shell
2 and 1/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup salt
1/2 shortening chilled
2 TBSP butter chilled
5-6 TBSP ice water
1. mix flour and salt together
2. cut in shortening and butter
3. add water 1 TBSP at a time
4. separate into 2 bowls and chill
5. roll out and fill, it really does not take much to fill them, seal the edges.
This week is extra special because I am using my new bakeware I won from The Legacy of Home. I am a die hard Pampered Chef stone person but these are wonderful. They worked better than I could have imagined. I can not wait to make pizza on them in the next couple of days