Dear Rob,
Today is one of those days when I do not like deployments. When I have not heard from you. When I have no idea what you are doing. Wondering if your electricity came back on. I love you so much and miss you like crazy.
We had a good day. We took the kids to the Vet. They said all the kittens weigh right at one pound. I wrote a whole post on it so I will not re write it but I will attach a couple of pictures. Then we went to Wal-Mart and picked up a few things.
So my phones touch screen is not working right. Sometimes not at all, sometimes perfectly. I called Cingular and they said the warranty is up and so I have to pay full price for a new one. I will go tomorrow to look into it. I hate to spend the money but I cannot imagine missing a phone call from you.
Guess what came in the mail today. All I will say is it takes pictures far away and close up. I have not had much time to play with it. I am attaching 2 pictures from me setting at the kitchen table. I need someone to teach me how to use it.
The weather was so cool here the last couple of days. I have been able to keep the windows open and even been cold a few times.
Love you Babe
I just wanted to let you know that I included you in a list of military blogs, on my blog fan page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Singing-Through-the-Rain/122330787792057
If you would not like to be on this list, feel free to let me know, and I will remove the link! Thanks! :)
"I think everywhere does it and I love it. I think our children are growing up without the love and respect of our country."
Yes, I agree more parents need to teach their children to love & respect our country! :) Thanks for commenting!
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