Dear Rob,
I love you. The closer you get to home the more I miss you. We had a good day. We went to counseling which went well. Then we stopped at the pet store and hung ANOTHER sign for the kittens. Your children almost had me convinced to buy them a guinea pig and a bunny rabbit. I held strong but it was hard to do.
Then I took the kids to the library on post. I did not realize until I walked in that it was there summer reading program. They had a great time. There was a magician there who was just comical. They each got a goody bag with a t-shirt in it and a couple of books. The lady assured me that we have no books out and if we get anymore letters to let her know. I would hate for something to be said for you because we did not return books. We will go back next week. You will laugh but I told Michael I would pay him a penny a page for reading. I am about ready to give him anything to encourage reading. I wish I had better pictures but my camera was dirty. I will take better pictures next week.
I got one more skirt and one more dress done today. I am hoping to make more dresses tomorrow because the delivery of material arrives. I think I may need to go ahead and take Michael to the DR tomorrow. His leg still looks bad and my mom brought up a good point. He fell at her house and we still do not know why. So I think I will take him in to check it out. I just hope the girls can be still while I talk.
So we need to talk about something. Something I want you to think about. So you know I cannot go away for a week when you get home but what if you go ahead and take the kids camping for a few days and then go visit your parents for a few days. Then we stick with our original plans. I will drive up on Friday and stay with you until Sunday. That still gives us two nights alone. I have something else for you to think about. You know our privacy issue. What if we move Faith downstairs and Michael upstairs? As long as there are good locks on the computer I think it would work. What do you think? I know I am giving you a lot to look forward to like moving furniture and taking four kids camping by yourself.
I love you babe and can’t wait to talk to you.
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