The weather in my neck of the woods:
so stinken weird, it was 60 this weekend and this morning I started a fire and we may get ice on Wednesday.
Things that make me happy:
Book I'm reading:
I am not reading a book and fill bad. I am behind in my bible study and I need to get my act together
What's on my TV today:
nothing really, right this minute is wordworld. I love this show with my kids.
On the menu for dinner:
20 minutes ago it was pork roast but my husband just called and asked if I wanted to go on a date tonight. Want to know what we are doing. First, we are going grocery shopping then picking up fast food and going to get our taxes done.
On my To Do List: scrubbing my fridge this afternoon since It is super empty right now.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: last week at church they had chicken pot pie and my girls ate it up. So I want to make one for our home. I never dreamed they would love that.
In the craft basket: This weekend I made 2 pillow case dresses for the little girl I babysit. I love being able to make something as a gift. It was her birthday
Looking forward to this week: This Saturday my hero and I are going on a real date. We are going to a mystery theatre with friends. Honestly I do not know if I will love the show but it will be great to spend time with friends.
Tips and Tricks: clean your fridge the day before going grocery shopping because that is when it is the closest to being empty. Put a dry erase board on the outside of your deep freezer with a list of the food inside so you always know what you have
My favorite blog post this week: When I announced the winner of the Purex Crystals. I love giving things away and wish I could do it more often.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers): this one I am going to leave blank because I want you to tell me about your blog and encourage me to visit it.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That taking a parenting class is still a great idea even if you have older children and think there is nothing else to learn. After our first class I am amazed and excited to go back
On my mind:. A lot, we need to make some decisions as what we want our kids involved in, how we will spend our income tax and some other things.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses Eph 6:4