Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I am so excited to share that my husband is home this year. I am feeling very blessed today. My husband is home. We are in our new home (okay it is 100 years old). The kids are happy with what they got for Christmas. This year we changed things. Instead of buying the kids a bunch of junk for the sake of having lots of things to open we decided to get them each three gifts. They each got something you need, something you read and something you want. It was perfect. 
  My husband has been off for the last few weeks. I am so going to miss him when he goes back to work. He has even gone two weeks without shaving. It is weird to see him with facial hair.  
  I hope you have had a amazing Christmas and focused on what is important. For me today is about enjoying my family and taking time to relax together. 


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