2. Best memory about this summer so far. Watching Tom play in the water after being scared of the ocean. He kept saying the sharks will eat you. By the end of the day he cried because it was time to leave.
3. How often do you change your sheets? Your kids sheets? Oh man, my kids sheets are constantly. Someone spills something (they should not have had in there room) or oops a accident happens. Our sheets are about once a week unless someone has a accident in our bed. Now there are a couple of kids in the house that I totally forget about and need to put on our schedule.
4. Having just gone through TSA, would you rather have a full-body scan or a pat-down? Full body scan, the older I get the harder it is to let someone else touch me other than my husband.
5. Since it is fair time...what's your favorite fair (county or state) memory? Hmmm, I do not think I have any. How weird is that, I have gone to a couple. Last year we saw deep fried Oreos being advertised so we came home and made them. I think I need to tell my hero that I have no fair memories and he needs to take me.

And how was the deep fried oreo?
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