My friend came home from her month long vacation. Which means a trip to the airport at 11pm with a 1,3 and 5 year old. It also means she took her bird home. While I am glad I will not be worrying about its fragile little body I will miss seeing it fly around my bedroom or all the little noises it makes. It really is a pretty little bird.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Keep activities for the little kids to do around that are only for school hours. So that way while you are working with the bigger kids they have something special to do.
My favorite thing this week was…
Was bringing my son home from boy-scout camp. I missed him and while I know he had a great time he was missed at home. I do not think the kids have stopped hugging him.
I’m grateful for…
Six amazing children that will be with me this year. Six little minds to encourage, six little hearts to watch open, six little bodies to love on.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

I love your idea for keeping kids occupied during school time. I definitely need to implement that!
I miss my Boy Scout too! He's been away at camp since Sunday morning! I'll be picking him up tomorrow morning, but I'm sure he'll need a long shower and some naptime! LOL Stopping by from the THMJ!
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