Hot, I am scared to look at the temperature. Okay, I looked it says it is only 81 degrees. WOW that is almost a perfect day.
Things that make me happy:
My hero home, someone calling me mommy, when a child says I love you.
Book I'm reading:
The bible, seriously it is all I can get in right now.
What's on my TV today:
nothing, N O T H I N G , I am so TV’d out, I seriously wish we could just pull the plug.
On the menu for dinner:
spaghetti, with homemade garlic bread.
On my To Do List:
My house needs vacuumed. I need to order curriculum. I need to post a couple of reviews and thank you’s on my blog.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Added fruit to store bought ice cream. Oh so yummy. We had oranges going bad so I added them to vanilla ice cream. It was a HUGE hit
In the craft basket:
I tried making the girls a blue jean skirt out of old blue jeans. It seems easy except They were too snug around the knees, any suggestions
Looking forward to this week:
just relaxing, we only have one appointment. I am keeping a friends kids on Thursday so it will be nice to have company.
Tips and Tricks:
Do you have knats? Mix a half a cup of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of dish soap and leave setting out.
My favorite blog post this week:
HMMM, I cannot think of any right now.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
I have not found one particular. I did find several new homeschooling blogs that seem like a great encouragement.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That children are blessings and that they thrive so much more when you take the time to just love on them and encourage there good behavior.
On my mind: my hero is going away for a week and I am going to miss him. The other thing I am thinking about is how can I sneak Oreos without sharing with my kids.
The Oreo thing had me laughing out loud!
i actually put some mini oreos in a cup and sipped them out like a drink. the kids will never know
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