2. Tonight we are going to see fireworks. I am so excited to take everyone to see fireworks.
3. Our new car should be here today. We ordered three suburbans through CarMax and they should have arrived over the weekend to look at.
4. I am caring for my friend’s birds and they are so cute. Messy but cute.
5. We had company over Saturday night for dinner who we had not seen in 11 years. So neat to talk to friends we have not seen in years.
6. Last night we had a family over that we have not had time to set and talk within a month. It was so much fun to watch the kids play. With all the kids here we had a 4 month old, 1,2,3,5,8,11 and 14 year old.4
7. The boys are really settling in. I cannot believe that they have been here for two weeks. We are on a great routine and getting use to packing diaper bags.
8. I love my husband; I mean I am really in love with him. It seems like the longer we are married the better it gets. I cannot believe we have been married almost 16 years.
9. My hero is off the next two weeks. I am so excited to have him home with nothing to do. This does not happen often.
10. WOW, ten things already. I guess I will close and go to bed soon.

1. We went fishing with Erica and Family on Sunday down by the river on post for Elena's birthday. Okay I haven't fished in my entire adult life (since I was 18) but Skylar and the rest of her family did it while I watched. I wasn't feeling good and neither was little man. I love seeing pictures of Rob with Tom and Jerry you can see his love for them. He seems like he is having fun.
3, Good luck with the car buying Suburban's are so fancy and nice!
4. I have a Cockatiel and I love her. She's about 7 years old and I have had her since she was a baby. Rick hates how messy she is but we have a net around her cage and I try to keep it up.
5. I miss my friends and this BRAC things is really hard for me watching more of my close friends go away.
7. I usually keep a diaper bag of extra diapers and a change of clothes in the trunk and KEEP it in there and change it out when the size or season changes. Then carry a small bag for outings and store trips.
Have a great week and enjoy the kids and hubby home!
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