I am grateful for a husband who let me sleep in this morning and made the family breakfast.
I am grateful for the two new blessings that are with us. They are so precious and so wonderful and fit right in and are just fun to be around. They make me laugh and cry almost daily.
I am grateful for all the volunteers who are at boyscout camp this week working with my son. I cannot imagine how hot it must be.
I am grateful for our new vehicle that my whole family can fit in. taking two cars is for the birds.
I am grateful that my big sister from big sisters/big brothers has contacted me. I have written about her several times on my blog. So to actually be able to talk to her again is amazing. There are people in your life that made you want more. Who made you expect more, who made you love more and she is one of those people.
I am grateful for a full pantry. I love finding bargains, I love knowing that if I am sick and cannot make it to the store my children have everything they need to survive.

I am grateful that my husband is not going away in September for a month. While he has gone away several times before this time did not seem right. I really feel like we need him at home to get settled.
I am grateful for this little old blog that lets me keep a journal of my life. Especially, since I have not scrapbooked in a couple of years. One day I will get back to it.
amen and amen. its good to be grateful i am grateful for god giving me a friend like you!
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