1. My absolute favorite movie of all time is? Practical majic for the music, but Fire proof for real
2. My favorite movie as a child was? Annie, what little girl does not wish she was taken away to such a house and fought over
3. The best movie quote ever is? Heck if I know
4. My favorite actress is? Julia Roberts but only because of her hair
6. My favorite movie genre is I could watch over and over is? the little house on the priarie, cosby show, 90210 time
5. The movie I could watch over and over? mary poppins, please do not laugh
7. A movie I'd like to watch this weekend? the new animal movie, I do not remember the name
okay, this one is hard for me because I am horrible with movies. I honestly fall asleep. I can honestly list on one hand the names of the movie stars I can list.
I love that the first line in both of our "About Me" sections is the same! I am now following your blog, and look forward to reading more!
(through Riding the Roller Coasters MilSpouse blog hop)
I like your blog's new look and Julia Roberts in my fav too !
happy weekend !
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