This is going to be a fun neat way to meet other military families. I thought I would tell you a little about our military lives. When we got married my hero was in the reserves. I had a good job and he had a good job but neither of us had insurance and I wanted babies. We decided to go active. I remember those first years. We went from two income to one. We moved to Ky and quickly found out we were pragnant with our first child. ooh how I remember how we lived pay check to pay check. We were stationed at Fort Campbell and then 8 weeks after my son was born we moved to Germany. I loved Germany. Then back to Campbell. Then to Redstone Al for 5.5 years and then we moved to Fort Bragg Nc and have been here for 2 months. My husband has deployed to Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq and is currently in Iraq. He is a Warrant Officer in the ammunition field.
Wow, you sure are ready to blog hop aren't you?! Great bio. You sure have led an exciting military life, and your husband has been gone A LOT! I'm so happy you'll be joining us tomorrow. Don't forget to come back tomorrow and add your link to the list so everyone else can meet you. (If I don't see you on the list by the end of the day, I'll add it.)
Prayers for your hubby. Take care, my friend.
Stopping by from the milspouse blog hop! Nice to meet you and look forwarding to more about you and your fabulous family!
You have a darling family, new kittens most definitely included! We adopted our two cats from the shelter when they were five months old, so we didn't get to see them when they were quite that tiny.
To the Nth, via the MilSpouse Blog Hop
http://tothenth.wordpress.com *** @ToTheNth
Stopping by from the blog hop! Nice to "meet" you =)
I am now a follower
Nice to meet you! Stopped by on the bloghop!
Nice to meet you! And I love your header... Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my absolute favorite verses
Thanks for linking up on the blog hop! Looks like you're meeting lots of great people. You know I'm already a follower...just wanted to say hi! Happy blog hopping!
I found your blog on the Blog Hop!
Wow thanks for sharing, sounds like you have a busy life! :) Glad to stop by on the blog hop, hope you have a wonderful day, God Bless!
Found you from blog hop....We are stationed at Ft. Campbell right now...Hubby in Afghanistan tho...
Hey just found your blog courtesy of the MilSpouse Blog Hop. I love your blog design - it doesn't look like any blogger template I've seen! Lovely photos as well!
Mrs Somarriba at
masto mom did my blog template. she was wonderful. she really worked with me on everything. I hope one day to have the money to let her do my other three blogs.
Our first duty station as a married couple of Campbell. I loved it there and hope one day we're able to get back there. Or Germany. I would love to see Europe on the Army's dime ;) Hopping in to say I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hello! Found you via blog hop and thought I would follow. Can't wait to start reading your blog :)
I LOVE that header photo! Typical kids! I found you from the Blog Hop. Nice to "meet" you :)
following you from the bloghop, nice to 'meet' you!
Hey girl, I found your blog through the blog hopp too! It's so wonderful to meet fellow Military wives :) We have also been stationed at Campbell...I loved it there as we are from MO...so much like home! We are currently at Lewis, wow....the rain, it's crazy! So great 'meeting' you.
Hey! Just stopping by from the Blog Hop. :-)
My husband spent some time at Ft. Campbell, as well. We're happy to be at Ft. Hood, now, though. It's a bit nicer here!
Hello, Found your blog through the blog hop =]
Thanks for sharing your story!
Found your blog via the milblog hop, and I'm looking forward to reading more :)
Hi there! I am a little late in getting around to everyone from the mil spouse blog hop...but better late than never!!! I am also a Mom of 4 cool kids! I look forward to reading more! Also a new follower :)
Have a great week!
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