Okay dear this is totally going to sound like I am complaining but I promise I am laughing about it. It is almost 8pm and all kids are in bed and Michael is asleep. I am having dinner. Can you guess what it is. YOUR RIGHT, popcorn and mountain dew. The kids had left over pork chops and tater tots. Okay back to our day. I slept great, the cat woke up a couple of times and demanded a rub down. Ooh my I wish you were here this morning because the cat tried to jump out of Faiths bedroom window. We got chores done and most of school done before lunch and headed out to see a friend. The cat is just about crazy right now, she will not let me out of her site. She is talking nonstop and as you can tell by the picture she no longer lays on her stomach.
Thank you so much for calling me today, I am so sorry you had to call twice. I thought I was doing good about keeping the phone with me. I have not gone to the bathroom since without my phone. Today I tried to teach Grace that she should tell people you are at work and not in Iraq she was not convinced and was upset that I would want her to lie. I called your mom and dad and told them I talked to you, your mom sounded good. She said your dads sugar has been down for several days. She sounded good rob, she really did.
Okay I told you yesterday that I took the bathroom handle off yesterday well today Faith managed to get herself locked in our bathroom. Then Michael went in our room and locked the door so he could go into our bathroom and shower only he shut the bathroom door and was locked in. he did not totally lose it. I was proud of him. When we were out we stopped at the commissary and picked up a few things and then stopped at Wal-Mart and picked up pictures. I had the picture of you and your parents printed out and am going to send it to your mom for mother’s day.
Well baby I am going to go, the house is quiet and it is exactly 8:10 so I think I am going to try to go to bed early. I really think I am going to wake up to kittens tonight. We have a 9am appointment in the morning and then home for the day.
I love you so much and cannot wait for you to be able to call again. I will leave yahoo on in case you come on line. I cannot believe I am going to bed and it is 3am there. At least it is dark at the same time. By the way I did better today than yesterday. I did not lose it, I did not look at one sad youtube video or listen to one soldier song. Over all it was a good day.

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