Rob is leaving any moment now. The recent Volcano gave us a few more days together. We have been busy building memories and mowing the grass and making sure everything works well.
In my spare time I have made at least 30 more camera strap covers. If you would like to purchase one they are $12 including shipping (in the states). If you would like to swap give aways and have one for a give away on your blog I may be interested.
Okay the other new addiction I have is our pragnant cat. We think she is about 7 weeks pragnant. She was the stray we got about 4 weeks ago. I took her in for shots and to be fixed and de clawed only to find out she was pragnant. I am so addicted to laying next to her and resting my hand on her belly. I can feel the babies move and WOW is all I can say. I feel bad for her, those babies are all over the place. I have watched a million you tube videos about cats having kittens. I have made her bed and we are ready. I am open for any suggestions.
Grace loves to lay with a heating pad and the other day this is what I found.
They had put a towel on the floor with the heating pad and then the cat. She would not move. No worries it was only on a couple of minutes and I turned it off. it is 5am and I have been up since 2. I almost went back to sleep at one time because she was laying on my lap.
Oh goodness, you are going to have your hands full of kitties very shortly!
Love the camera straps, they are adorable! You should open an Etsy shop!
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