I am so grateful that MckMama does Not Me Monday for allowing me a time to get everything off my chest. Except this time I wish she had a not my spouse button.
My husband drives my van maybe once a week. Did you hear that MY van as in the one he bought for ME to drive. So it is not my husband who gets in my van and complains about where the seats and mirrors are. And since I am a respectful wife it is not me who fusses at him every time he does this making the start of every trip interesting.
It is not my precious 4 year who hides her dirty BM panties in my dirty laundry. Because at 4 years old she would never put BM in her panties and if she did she would not hide them from me. I am also a wonderful sympathetic mother so I do not inwardly smile that it is not me who does the laundry in our house.
It is also not my precious four year old who woke up and saw new outfits on the couch and instead of saying thank you she looked at her sister and said "I got new clothes and you got nothing".
Because I am conservative and want my blog to be able to be looked at by my friends children I would never consider blogging about my new Diva Cup. I am sorry I think people just need to know more about it.
It was not me who stayed up way too late several nights this week although I know it will make me tired.
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I think it's a man thing with the cars. They always think how they would have it is right - and it is infuriating! :)
I love your new look! The colors are beautiful and very spring-like:)
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