Oh Rob you did not call today and it is killing me. Why today more than normal because our last words yesterday was can't hold it anymore gotta go. I know it is comical that the bathroom is so far away but you really should have said I love you and good night.
We have had a good day. Michael was done with school by noon. He is doing so well. It is 8:30 and all but Faith are asleep. I am putting them to bed early and it is working.
Oh honey, these kittens are so stink en cute. I want my hands on them but know better. I so need you here. I had to squirt the cat today. She attacks curly if he is in the house. So what I have been doing is only letting him in when she is outside and reverse. Every time I see her walking around the house I take a peak
This morning when we woke up it was freezing in the house. The kids begged me to start a fire and I am sure if you were here you would have. I decided to make bread and guess what it came out beautiful. I made my same double recipe but used 3 loaf pans instead of 4 and it was perfect. I will take pictures tomorrow. It was not crumbly or too hard. I also made you cookies but well they did not come out so well. I really wanted to get a package to you tomorrow but I do not think it will happen now unless you want yucky cookies.
I love you baby and miss you more than I thought I would. I am really trying hard to make sure we get to bed early. That means I am not staying up all hours of the night on the computer. The house is holding up, well except for the door knob I have not dealt with. I am going to need to mow this weekend.
I have to make you laugh and hopefully not cry. Hope was writing you a letter today and lost it several times. When I asked what was wrong she said, I miss my baby brother who died. I said NOPE you were not even alive then, she said I miss Bridgette, I said NOPE not going there and then she lost it. She said I miss daddy and Faith thought I was writing a friend but I was writing daddy and he is daddy not a friend. I love you babe and hope why I am writing this you are sleeping well.

Hi Pamela :) It's Heather from Sweet Baby Cheeks. I just wanted to let you know that you were the winner of the spa cake! Email me at sbcdiapercakes@gmail.com with your address and I will get it sent to you by Mother's Day. Congrats! :)
WOO HOO, I am so excited. What a wonderful thing to wake up to
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