I got a award at How are the Harmon’s? It is a new blog I am reading. They are new homeschoolers. The rules are to talk about yourself. So here it goes.
1. I am half of 72 years old.
2. I moved out of my parent’s home when I was 18 and have never moved back. Not only did I move out but I moved 9 hours away.
3. I have been homeschooling for 8 years. It is hard to think that I have a middle schooler, I also cannot believe I will have a high schooler next year. That is when it seems serious to me.
4. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 16 years. He is a soldier.
5. I love to bake and cook especially for other people but I would not say that I do it well.
6. I love being a soldiers wife, I love the way he looks in his uniform.
7. I love to organize and clean but I cannot stand to mop a floor or dust a room.
8. I love blogging and have a million ideas of what I would like to write about but never seem to get around to it.
9. In the last couple of years I have found a new love of taking a nap.
10. Today is Saturday and I am spending it relaxing, well that was after I made a sheet cake and frosting and spaghetti for 70 people.