Things that make me happy: my children’s laughter, when I hear my son make my girls giggle it just makes me smile. I just heard him smooch her cheek. They so look up to their big brother and he has no idea. I love on rare occasions when they wake up before me and lay in bed and giggle with one another. Little girl giggles are the best.
Book I'm reading: Honestly, I have not started it. Well I have read a couple of pages but really want to dig deeper. I bought the new Beth Moore study so long insecurities and so need to read it.
What's on my TV today: Right now the Today show until the kids wake up and other than that no plans for TV today.
On the menu for dinner: Rotisserie chicken, my husband told me last night he is cooking it and I cannot wait. Actually we will probably cook 2 so we have left over’s for tomorrow. I love chicken.
On my To Do List: to buy thread today. How can I woman run out of thread, I will tell you how. I have only been sewing a year and have not built up a stock yet. This is another goal in the next few months.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: I saw a recipe for a crockpot pizza casserole and this looks amazing. Sadly after falling and dropping my crockpot last week it will have to wait until we get a new crock pot.
In the craft basket: my own cookbook. I save so many recipes to my computer but then have to take my laptop into the kitchen so I bought a 3 ring binder and page protectors. I need to print out all my recipes so I will have them in one place.
Looking forward to this week: This morning, actually in one hour, I am leaving to have lunch with a friend. I am so excited. It has been a long time since I have set with a friend to talk. I am hoping we can set for hours and talk. I also need to re straighten up our school books and get us ready to start a new semester tomorow.
Tips and Tricks: make your own laundry soap. It is about 8 cents a gallon and you never have to worry about running out.
My favorite blog post this week: was my first tutorial on how to make a camera strap cover. It is hard to believe that a year ago I could not thread a needle.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers): I have a friend who is Mennonite and wow can she cook. This week I printed off every recipe on her blog to send her since she no longer has internet. My stomach is grumbling just thinking about all the yummy recipes.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days: That my daughter has been using Q-tips to wipe her bottom. I could not figure out why we were going through Q-tips so often.
On my mind: We are starting Financial Peace in a couple of weeks and I am super nervous. I know it is the right choice but it is still going to be hard.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Stopping by from Marketing Monday! Happy to be following you now!!!
Anna, The Pilot's Wife
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I need to do exactly that and print out my recipes and keep in a binder there are so many great ones on the internet I am always finding myself saving another
I have a recipe binder as well! I love it. I also have a section where I write down websites or blogs I find with recipes.
Have a great week.
So sorry to hear about your Crockpot! I just received a new one for Christmas from my brother-in-law and I love it!
I've been working on a cookbook for a long while now. I hope to pass it on to whichever of my kids gets married first!
Welcome to my Happy Homemaker Monday, so glad to have you :)
Love meeting other military families and getting to know them.
Your list was great. Such a cute photo and I'll have to check out your camera strap tutorial :)
Have a great week!
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