There once was a little girl with red curly hair and more freckles than could be counted. She did not have pretty clothes and was not doing great in school. Her self confidence was low. That was until one day she would be given a Big Sister. But not only was she given a sister but a second family. A family who loved her for who she was. A big sister who loved her and worked for hours on her handwriting with her. Who spent her spare time with this little red headed girl. And when this big sister had to move away she did not leave that little red headed, freckled face girl alone. She arranged for her sister to become her big sister. This big sister taught her how to care for her nails and make rice crispy treats and how awesome being a teacher was. This family included her in their holiday traditions and made her feel very special. They changed her really. They taught her what being part of a family was like. They never looked down on her but made her feel like part of the family.
That little red headed girl was me and while I still have the red hair and more freckles to count I am more confident because I had a big sister to show me love and compassion and be there for me in a time that I thought no one had the time for me.
I cannot tell you how much having a big sister affected my life. If you have spare time I would encourage you to look into getting a little brother or sister. It does not take very much time every week and can be done without spending a ton of money. There are lots of options to do without spending money. You could teach them to cook, work on homework with them or just taking a walk to discuss their day.

That is completely touching. Amazing how one person can change a life. So thankful for the wonderful family in your life!
(My dad is considering becoming a Big Brother! I'm excited!)
This is a great story. Volunteering can make a wonderful difference in a person's life.
What an awesome testament to such a great cause! I'm so happy for you that you were able to have these special people in your life growing up!
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