I was recently contacted by Purex to review their new Purex Complete Crystal Softener. I was thrilled to try something new. When the box arrived I felt like I was receiving a very special gift. It came in several different boxes. I was honestly impressed with the ease of this product. No worrying about spills.
They enclosed information about fabric softener and I could not believe some of what I read. Did you know traditional fabric softeners:
1. Are oil based which means they coat your fabrics in oil
2. Purex crystals are 92% natural not oil based and work by penetrating the fabric and infusing fibers with freshness that last week’s not days.
3. Using traditional fabric softener will decrease your towels ability to absorb water
Purex not only sent me crystals to try, they sent you some to. I am giving away one coupon for a 28oz bottle of Purex Complete Crystals Softener. I will pick one random comment on Friday night. You may enter once daily.
I'd love to try it!
pick me!!
my entry for today :)
I want to be entered! Kelly
Hmmmmmm..... sounds interesting- bit timid of the scent, but I would like to find one I like
Pick Me Pam, Pick Me :O) Would love to try the new product!
Id give this to erica if Im not too late to enter
I'd try it. I love my Purex washer sheets
daily entry 1/28
Can this be used in the new HE washers?
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