1. When my friend’s husband told me he was re deploying after only being home a few months I quickly gave him a death glare (actually it was more like several seconds). Then realized he was not my husband and apologized. Then I got teary eyed thinking about him deploying again. Sometimes military life sucks and you hurt for other wives when you know their spouse is getting ready to deploy.
2. This week a friend who is 32 weeks pregnant thought her water was leaking, it tore me up inside and I could hardly talk to her with a straight face. I was so nervous with her. She is okay and it was not fluid. Please pray that this baby stays put. Dad is in school and they plan on moving soon. It would be nice for them to be able to get everything done before the baby comes. I was nervous for her because I remember my water breaking at 26 weeks and how hard it was.
3. This week my children were mad that we made them stack wood. They said it was too cold, it would take FOREVER, and they should not have to work this hard. It was almost comical because they are not normally complainers. At one point we looked and they were setting in the back of the truck, the next time we looked they were setting under the back of the tail gate. Then all of the sudden they were back to stacking wood and laughing.

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