25 degrees, high of 38. There is about a inch of snow. The roads are crazy and I am praying my husband makes it home safely. He is on his way home now.
Things that make me happy:
The clean bathroom I woke up to. My husband cleaned one bathroom last night and WOW it looks great. The living room also looks great. I love to wake up and see a clean house. It makes me entire day.
Book I'm reading:
I am reading a couple of things. I am reading through Proverbs this month and everyday it is speaking to me in a different way. I am also reading a book called God+military Spouse, it is amazing and so true.
What's on my TV today:
The Today show right now and then probably not a lot, my husband signed us up for Netflix this weekend, so I am sure we will be watching lots of different movies. Okay, I guess that is on my TV.
On the menu for dinner:
A pork Roast is set out and I will still cook it. But I made a pizza casserole for a friend and now due to weather I may not be able to take it to her. If I do not then we will have it for lunch.
On my To Do List:
Straighten our office
Straighten my bedroom
Make burp clothes for a couple of friends.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I really want to learn to make beans of any kind. Can you believe I have never made a pot of beans. I have never served my kids beans. I know it is a cheap way to feed my family and I need to get on it. My poor husband has suffered without beans long enough.
In the craft basket:
Making burp clothes. I also want to make several hot pads to get mailed out to friends.
Looking forward to this week:
My husband being home today. I love him so much and he helps me get through the days. He is already off on Friday. Depending upon weather he may be off tomorrow.
Tips and Tricks:
Load your dishwasher and washer and dryer at night and run them. Most places have lower electric rates at night and it will save you money. Try to turn you heat down a couple of degrees this week. Put on a pair of fuzzy socks and see how much it saves you.
My favorite blog post this week:
Amazing Grace, I love the song and I think it is the type of blogging I would like to do more of.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
I am sorry I have not found a new one this week but hope to. So if you know a good one please share. If you read my blog and have not seen me on yours please leave me a comment because I would love to check out your blog.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That if we let our baby girl sleep in our bed we are going to wake up to a warm wet spot. This is crazy because she never wets her bed.
On my mind:
A friend who is 32 weeks pregnant and is not feeling well and having some difficulties, please pray for her.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses
Proverbs, I am telling you every verse has spoke to me this week. Verses on guarding my tongue on the day I had trouble with it. Or how we need to continue to study the word daily. Because this is a struggle I have.

The girls look like they are happy. My son just got NetFlix too. There's lot's of movies and tv shows there I want to watch. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
Great list! Love the picture too! Hope you have a blessed week and enjoy your hubby being home with you!
hi there! I am visiting from HHM from Sandra's blog. I love your post!
We signed up for Netflix and LOVE it! We like that you can watch some shows instantly.
I will pray for your friend and I hope she feels better soon.
Hope you have a great week!
I just started making beans. I do them in my pressure cooker in large batches and then freeze them. They are great to add to your meals without adding cost.
Hi Pam! Oh, I love waking up to a clean house too -- it puts me in such a good mood for the rest of the day. Great list this week! :-)
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