The weather in my neck of the woods:
Crazy, high 60’s one day and 30’s the next. It says this week we can get up to the 50’s and down in the 20’s.
Things that make me happy:
My daughter breathing clearly, my girls snuggling with there daddy.
Book I'm reading:
James, we are studying it in small group and this week I have a ton of homework. If you have anything you would like to teach me on the book of James feel free.
What's on my TV today:
I watched Annie with my girls today and WOW I never realized how bad the language was in it.
On the menu for dinner:
Leftover wings for hubby and leftover biscuits and gravy for me.
On my To Do List:
Dinner for 20, and at least 200 cupcakes, and so much more. I wrote about it here.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
This is so simple. I bought graham cracker crust for .29 cents. I filled it with marshmallows, topped with chocolate chips and baked. We had a yummy indoor smore for desert and everyone loved it.
In the craft basket:
200 cupcakes, past that nothing this week, the kids need to make valentines day cards but that is really it.
Looking forward to this week:
Father/daughter dance, I love seeing him in his dress blue’s. I love watching him with my girls.
Tips and Tricks:
Blog during the super bowl, your husband will think you are being nice to watch it with him and you can work ahead. Honestly this is the only game he watches so I can support him.
My favorite blog post this week:
My week needs help, because it helped me remember everything I need to do this week.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Trenches of Mommyhood. I do not know how I found it but it has touched me the last couple of weeks.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That I need to trust myself more when it comes to my babies and when I think they need to see a DR do not pause but go immediately.
On my mind:
My dear friend Ellie, she was my mom’s friend growing up. She is the one who inspired me to drink sweat tea and learn to sew and cook. She is in the hospital and could use our prayers
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
This week I am studying James. We are studying it in small group on Wednesday nights and it is amazing.
I have a ton of homework for my David study too!!
How long and at what temperature did you bake your pie? Sounds good!
Our weather is doing the same thing. Except a lot colder. Was in the 30 and is now in the single digits.
That is a lot of cupcakes you have to make! :)
I hope your mom's friend will be ok.
Happy Homemaker Monday
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