1. This week I am going to be crazy, I talked about it here. 2. I think this is the first time I have ever watched the super bowl. I have seen bits and pieces but never the whole thing.
3. I do have to say the commercials are cracking me up, especially the Doritos ones because I love Doritos.
4. My hero played high school football and could always point him out because he was one of the only players who refused to shave his legs.
5. I really think that Churches should have ATM machines so when I forget cash my children will not cry, they are not happy about putting a check into plate.
6. This week my daughter had her first and hopefully last asthma attack. It brought back some scary painful memories of when Grace had them. She is fine now and the doctor thinks it was probably caused by a cold she had. We will watch her closely and if it happens again we will have her tested for asthma.
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