So for military Monday I thought I would tell you a funny story. A million years ago or maybe it was 10 years ago. I was very pregnant with our daughter and had a very complicated pregnancy. I actually left the hospital in pre term labor to go to my husband’s promotion ceremony. It was in a hanger, which means it echoes. We walked in and set down in the back. All the soldiers were already lined up and in formation. The First Sergeant and Commander came back and asked if I was okay. They asked if I was okay to be there. Everyone knew how difficult this pregnancy was. As they walked away my son who was 4 said “mommy are they boys”? I assured him they were and reminded him to be quiet. Then he said in the loudest voice possible “Do they have penises”? It echoed through the hanger. I about died. I looked at the soldiers and thought these poor guys cannot even laugh right now. So now ten years later I make sure to take a minute in the parking lot to remind my kids how to act at daddies work.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and that you at least get to hear from your hero today.
Only in true Michael fashion lol
Hey! I'm out and about Blog Hopping and found your blog. I love it! Follow mine?
Love it! That is hysterical. My dd and I have had some amusing conversations about the differences between boys and girls but nothing that has been shouted out in public (yet). One of the nice things about the military life is it is very family friendly. Everyone seems to understand about these "kids say the darnedest things" moments.
you know I never thought about this but you are right, we are a pretty family friendly group
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