We were scared and scatterbrained. My eight year old woke up on Tuesday having a asthma attack. It was her first. I am use to it with my 5 year old but not with my I have never been sick girl. She is better now but when I took her in yesterday for a follow-up the doctor reminded me that this was serious and how close she was to being put in the hospital. It is like day and night now and she is back to herself.
In our homeschool this week...
My son finished up English for the year. He finished up Literature last semester. I do not have the guts to tell him that they were only one semester long. It encourages him to finish up the year.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
In March my men are going with my father in law to the mountains for a week. I am so excited for them to be able to do this. I love that they have time to be together and build bonds to last a lifetime.
My favorite thing this week was...
Opening the windows and letting the 69 degree weather clean out my house of all the coughs and sneezes. Listening to my daughter read. My children have all been late readers and when they get it I feel like I am doing something right.
What's working/not working for us...
Somehow we have not gotten multiplication down to a science. I have got to work on this .
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
Do you take your kids out during the week to shop or run errands. I do but I have heard several people say they do not because they feel like it is school time.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
I'm glad that your daughter is ok. How scary, indeed! We usually don't get done with school until around 2:00-2:30, so by the time we are out and about, it's almost the time public schools go out. We have went out during the day before, but I do feel sort of weird. Following from HMJ.
I don't take the kids out b/c my husband does all that. Stopping by from the hop =)
Sounds like a very productive week. My boys were late readers as well. I know that wonderful feeling when they finally pick it up.
We continue to struggle with multiplication as well, I think I'm going to give Time Tales a try this semester. Sorry to hear about the asthma attack...sounds scary, I'm glad to hear that she's okay though!
Take Care
Dropped by from the journal hop.
I'm glad your daughter is ok! It is 8 degrees here so I am a little jealous to read about your nice weather! :) My daughter is old enough to babysit while I run errands. I try to do them before school or after. If I have to do them during school time, I do. The good thing about homeschooling is there are no time limits. :)
I do take my kids out. Everything is a learning experience. My oldest learned about money by paying for my coffee at the coffee shop. If we need to go to the bank, that's about money & finances.
Stopping by from THMJ
The kids go with us when we go out, but this week it has been to cold here even for opening the windows. I'd like that fresh warm breeze, too.
I am glad your daughter is better! I do take my kids to run errands, but limit it to once a week, for their sanity and mine! :-). I am new to your blog and look forward to reading more! ~Mary
Hello, stopping by and joining the meme. Yes, I do take my children out running errands--but only orthodontist or doctor, church school, library and occasionally a nearby grocery store. Very rarely we do go to the Scout Shop and Sam's Club, too.
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