Well my baby is struggling. Drugs took over her brain several years ago. I wish I could kick Drugs butt. As I write this post my baby girl sets in a jail all alone and it is killing me. I will not get into details but I will say that for now I agree that this is the best place for her. I pray that she is ordered into treatment.
This whole thing scares me. Not just because she is my baby girl (well I guess technically she is her parents but I think I love her about the same). But it scares me because she has amazing parents. She has parents who did all they could for their children plus some. She had parents that were open with their children. I am not saying they were perfect because no one is. I will say I have searched and searched for something they have done wrong and I cannot find it. Logan is brilliant, I mean it. She is so smart and so beautiful. This is tearing my insides out. I want to run away with her.
I have not talked to my baby girl while she is in jail. She has called several times and I have not answered the phone. At first I thought it was a wrong number because I did not know anyone in jail. The last time it actually said her name. I did not accept charges because I knew I needed to talk to her parents so we were on the same sheet of music.
Along with this prayer request I ask you to pray for her families. Her mom has several medical issues and has had a hard time getting the proper treatment. Her sister has issues with seizures and is in college. Please pray for them all, please pray I will handle this situation correctly.

Hey Pamela!
Sorry it took me so long to get over here this week!
I am so sorry you are going through this. I am super close to a girl thats now 19 and she has screwed up her life by having a baby with the wrong guy. It kills me!!!
I will pray for you and Logan!
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