Crazy beautiful. It was in the 80’s yesterday. My hero cleaned out our van which is scary.
Things that make me happy:
Getting to see my friends newborn baby today. I am counting the minutes.
Book I'm reading:
Effective parenting in a defensive world. WOW it is amazing.
What's on my TV today:
19 kids and counting tonight. Other than that not much.
On the menu for dinner:
roast beef with potatoes and carrots and homemade bread. I am leaving the house this morning with food in the crockpot and bread in the bread machine. We do not love the way bread machine bread looks but it will be able to cook while I am gone.
On my To Do List:
grocery list
Dentist with 2 kids
Help a friend with her girls while she prepares to bring her baby boy home from the hospital.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I saw a recipe similar to rice crispy treats except you add chow mein noodles and pretzels and m&m’s.
In the craft basket:
Nothing right now, but I want to learn to make a rag quilt. Oh wait, I forgot we are making blankets to be put into foster care bags. They are fleece and you tie them instead of sew them.
Looking forward to this week:
the weather and holding a newborn, both are relaxing.
Tips and Tricks:
Be prepared with quick meals for your family so you are not tempted to go out. Baked potatoes with a can of chilli, hotdogs in the freezer.
My favorite blog post this week:
reading about Mckmamma’s trip has been amazing.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
I honestly have not had much time to blog hop this week.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Lesson learned the past few days:
I feel like I learn more daily. I love the verse Eph. 6:4. I am trying to live it. I realized that I do it without meaning to. Last weekend we insisted that my teenager go to a birthday party with our daughters. I only wanted him to go because there was a great picture opportunity. What I realized later is he was right. There was no one his age there; he would have been bored and even out of place. I did apologize later and was glad at the last minute we did not make him go.
On my mind:
a four year old boy who we were told about this week. Please pray for this little boy.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Ephesians 6:4

I wish I had your weather! Have fun holding that sweet newbown baby :)
Have a great week! :)
he is just precious, I could have stayed there all evening snuggling with him
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