Friday, April 5, 2013

Feeling Beachie

This week’s statements: 1. I don’t remember the last time I _did not have something on my mind, had a completely clean house, went on a romantic date with my husband, did not have a child.___ 2. Sometimes _I eat out__ but usually _we eat dinner at home together.___ 3. When I think of my childhood, I _remember how many different houses we lived in. Maybe that is why I do not mind moving now._____ 4. I am not _sentimental_____, but I _love to hear a good story or watch a sappy movie______. Pamela


Judy said...

i lived in the same house as a child and have lived in our home for 36 years. Moving scares me.

Debbie Doglady said...

I moved a lot as a child, (army brat), but, have been in the same town now since 1969 and the same house since 1996. Much better. LOL Have a good weekend.

hilary said...

A clear head... how wonderful that would be....

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