Recently I was contacted by Chili's to do a review of their 2 for $20 meals. I very quickly said yes. My husband took this as a opportunity to take me out on a date. I have to say I have seen the commercials for the 2 for $20 but thought, I am sure it is small portions. I could not believe it when they brought our fried cheese (one of the many appetizers that are available).
We had SEVEN huge fried cheeses and can I tell you they were to die for. My only complaint is my husband stole the last one. We both ordered chicken. We both got chicken crispers only mine were the puff kind. I had never heard of puff chicken but it was amazing. The chicken was so juicy. Okay, back to the portions. I assumed a couple of pieces of chickens and a few fries. I was beyond thrilled when our plates arrived loaded with chicken and fries and corn on the cob.
Chili's has a wonderful promotion right now called shoutouttoeatout, you take a picture of who you would like to take with you to Chili's and upload it and you are entered to win a 2 $20 gift cards.
Overall, we had an amazing dinner with a amazing waitress on Chili's. They were very generous to send my hero and I on a date. But wait, they also want to send you out to. I am giving away a $20 gift card. To enter all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me who you would take with you. You may enter once a day until Friday. That is 6 entries. I will choose a winner Friday night. That is if I am not back at Chili's eating more fried cheese.
Oh fun! I would take my DH for long as he is still home :) Yum!
My family just went to Chili's for dinner tonight. We love it! I would definitey take my husband out for a date!
I'd like to take hubby for a date night out.
I would take my sweet DH and my 2 little girlies. We love Chili's!
i like chillis! i would take my boyfriend.
Love Chilis!!!! I would take my babies.
I would take my husband,he is so much fun!
I would take my husband.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I would like to take my husband! Thanks for the chance!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I would take my hubby:)
Would love to go with my husband! We love datenight at Chili's!
I love Chilis, my husband proposed to me at Chilis! I would definately take him and you can see a whole post I did about him on my blog last night!
Love chili's! You know I want a date night!
I love Chilis, but sadly we haven't been in a long time. I think I'd take my mom because she's been having a rough few months and I know she could use the cheering up, and what free meal wouldn't cheer anyone up?
Chili's is by far my favorite restaurant! I'd take my DH if I won the giftcard!
I would take Elena for getting an A in math this semester! :)
I would go with my hubby!!
I'd take my husband for sure! we haven't been on a date in a while. No one wants to baby sit Colby other than my sister who lives a half hour away which is pretty sad
Yum!!! Sounds like you all had a good night out!
Would definitely take my DH.
I would love to take my husband, but would probably take one of my sons for a special date night!
Finally a give-away I can enter....we actually have a Chili's here in Fairbanks! I would absolutely go with my husband. He is getting ready to deploy for the 135th time (or it seems) and we can use all the "us" time we can find.
I would take my hubby with me!! He is my hero! :)
- Reba
Sounds delish! I'd definitely take my dh with me.
i'd go with my mom!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I would love to take my two sweet kids! They are my life and are going through a lot right now. I worry about them and hope I am making the right decision for them!
I would love to take a very special person in my life to Chili's. That special person is my DH!!!
I would probably take my hubby with me. As a SAHM (well, I am a ministry mom, but my position is strictly volunteer) I would finally get to pick up the tab!
Pennie at Mom Thoughts
I would take My Man with me! We haven't been to Chili's in a long, long, time!
I would take my daughter who got engaged last night and promoted today in the Army National Guard.
I would take my husband and kids!
Can I enter from Canada? :)
I would take my boyfriend - I am planning on surprising him for Christmas with a trip to Hawaii (That we'll take in Februrary for Valentines day - yay!) and I'd love to take him to chilis in Waikiki. We don't have chili's here in Canada and I love going there!!
if you can use it, sure.
MMMMMMMM, i have been CRAVING chips and salsa and their salsa with guacamole is to die for!!
i'd take my hubby!
I would take my husband.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would take my best friend!
Haha, those are terrific photos! I'd love to go to Chili's with my husband - those fried cheeses look YUM!
Check out Krystle's blog posts at:
I would take my sexy husband ;)
I would love to win and take my sweet hubby out on a date!
Ohhhhh, Chilli's. I LOVE Chilli's. Please enter me, as I would take my hubby with me for a nice, quiet date night...minus our ten offspring. Okay, so minus nine offspring. The tenth is still nursing and would likely have to come along. But that's okay. She's only seven months old and only eats a couple fries! LOL! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
OH MY!! I would have to take my husband, he is addicted to their bottomless chips. We do this deal all the time. I love their salads and that new chicken green chili soup too.
Pam! You're getting a ton of entries!!
I'd take my hubby! For sure...we don't get nearly enough date nights around here!
Found you through BlogFrog :)
We'd have to wait until we were back in the States, but I'd definitely take my husband. Haven't had a date night since the baby was born a year ago!!
I would take my kids! They love to eatout and they have both been practicing so hard for their Christmas solos and choir music!
I would take my husband with me!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I would take my husband. As a special gift I'd drive because fighting holiday traffic makes him less than happy ifyaknowwhatImean!
Definitely Elena! :) She's had a rough few months, but still came through with school amazingly!
I'd take my boyfriend (b/c normally he always takes me)
I would most definitely take my hubby and use the savings to pay for the sitter :)
I'd take George Clooney-- why? I've met his dad and think he'd be as laid back and not scary to be around-
I would take my husband and we would have a little one on one time!
I would take Santa, of course! We love 2 for 20 at Chili's!! Who wouldn't love freshly made salsa . . . come on people!!
Pick me! Pick me!! ;) Hope you are having a Blessed day Pam!
I would take my friend, whose husband is working nights, IF I could find a sitter for our combined 10 children.
I would take my mom as we haven't done a mother and daughter "date" recently!
I would take my hunny, my hubby. We normally eat out together as a family, so it would be great to be just the two of us!
Susan M.
mmm...I love Chilis! My hubby was sad when I told him I'd take my mom as she needs some cheering up, lol.
I would love to take my friend who was recently laid off. It would be a great pick-me-up for her. :)
HI! Following you from BlogFrog. I'd love to win a gift card and I would take my hubby on a date if I won. :)
I saw this contest from blogfrog. If I won I would take my husband with me to Chili's. We love to go out and haven't been out in a while, this would be perfect. Thanks for the chance!!
I would take my hubby!
~from blogfrog :)
my hubby! :D
I'd take my hubby!
Glad you and your hero got a night out! Those are few and far between around here!
I would take my boyfriend - I did book that Hawaiian trip for him (He really needs a break, working 7 days a week is so tough). He's never been to chilis and I know he'd love it :) It will be our 7th valentines day together
Entering for today. 12/6/10
I'd still bring my boyfriend.
Okay, I would like to bring my granddaughter after a day of Christmas shopping together. That would really give us some quality time.
I would love to take my Mom!
12/6- I'd take Bill- I know, you're shocked aren't you??!!!!
Second entry 12/6
My favorite thing at Chilis is the Nachos as the appetiser but I love the chicken fried steak, mashed potatos and corn... Im hungry! Hope I win!
Hey Pam!! I'm entering... my husband and I could REALLY use a night out! :)
Hey Pam, I would take one of several people. Either my husband or one of my older kids :O) ( ok, probably would take all 3 of the older kids). Caleb has been wanting to go for awhile now and since its pretty pricey for a large family to eat out we have always said Chilis was a mom and dad date night type dinner :)
I would like to take Kristina out for her birthday :) She has never had a birthday date :) I know she is going to be 7 so I am slacking, but with 5 kids making her dinner at home as always been the most reasonable.
I'd still take the hubby! It's probably his favorite place to eat!
I would take my husband with me!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Well, you said we could enter once a day and so I am. Entering now for Tuesday 12/7/10. I'd take my boyfriend. We love chilis.
I would take a friend - I need a girls night out!
entering for 12/7
I would take the hubs...on a week night he says I'm never at home or with him during the week so that would be a good surprise :)
I'd take Elena! :)
I would take the children to lunch. My husband doesn't like Chili's food.
I would take my boys since my oldest Turns 8 2 days before xmas this would be a great time since i dont have a ton of money....
from preemie chat and FB
I would take my fiance and most likely one, two three or ALL 4 of our kids who love to eat the chili or tortilla soup!!!!!!! Send us PLEASE!!!!!!
i would take my husband for a much needed date!
I would take my niece
I would take my husband of course, or my kids, or both! :)
Thanks for doing this! On this day, I would take my mother. She has done so much for me this past year and has helped keep me a sane woman!
My great and wonderful hubby. Thanks!
Oh yummy! I love Chili's - Who doesn't! I would bring my husband for sure. Lord knows I would NOT want to bring my 3 yr old who I nick named ADD - and for sure not the 21 month old with an attention span and personality of a monkey! Yes I love them...but HATE going to dinner with them.
I would take my husband...he needs more "him" time :)
I'd have to flip a coin and take one of my kids. Who am I kidding? I'd take them all! LOL Great giveaway! New follower looking forward to reading your posts. :o)
I would love to have a date night with my husband.
I would take my husband with me!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Entering for December 8th. :)
God Bless you Pam!
Entering for Dec 8 2010!
Thank you!
pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!!!!!!!!
I would take my darling hubby!
I would take my husband :)
It would just be the hubby and me:)
I'd love to take my son with me...Mommy and Me date :) :)
What a great idea!! I would have to take my son... he's never been to Chili's! But then we couldn't leave hubs home, so we'd make it a three-person date!!
I would take my husband with me!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Oh I guess I'd take Danny with me!
12/9 Entry..
Today, I'm going to enter and choose to take somebody ELSE with me - my good buddy Shelly. :)
-Pennie at Mom Thoughts
Entering for today--Thursday 12/9/10
Would still take my sweetie.
12/9 first entry - I'd take my husband of course!
aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com
Entering for today 12-9-10
I'm entering again :)
I would take my hubby! (& order some of those cheese sticks!)
Well, since my husband is not home, I would take both my kids and make them share the
I'd take my husband, of course. Well, once he got back, anyway.
I would take my husband with me!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Entering for my last chance to win. Friday 12/10/10. Would take my boyfriend or perhaps would go out with my best girlfriends.
Heres my final entry :)
I would take my best friend who is moving to Northern PA next week. We've been friends since she moved here in 2008 and I would love one last chance to have a girl's date.
I'm totally bummed I didn't see this until today! Great giveaway :-)
I'd take DH with me..Date night!
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