Dear Rob,
First of all I am on the phone with Lori and she says I made her argue with her husband. I feel bad. How was your day? I hope you are finally settled in? I cannot wait to hear what your job is going to be.
Did I tell you Michael has to have blood work done for his new meds? Wish me luck. The Doctor said I should have him put to sleep. (For anyone else reading this please remind me to explain how security had to be called on my son when he got his shots). So I told Michael if he got his blood work with no problems I would buy him a new game of his choice and I would let him have the day off school. He says he is going to do it. So my thought is we will get up Wednesday and go get the blood work, pick up his game, go to counseling and then we need to go Sam’s and whatever other errands so really he is getting out of school but he would have anyways. Please, please pray that it goes okay because I will have the girls with me and I nervous for obvious reasons.
I did get the house straightened up this evening so tomorrow I can focus on laundry. I am in such a better place than yesterday.
Oh, I have to tell you last night I got one of the sweetest e-mails from another blogger who said to tell you thank you and she is sending me a cover for my sewing machine. I was in tears. I want to be honest when I blog, I want people to understand what life is really like.
I love you babe and cannot wait to hear from you. I promise we are doing good and staying strong.
I love you babe, Pam PETRIE
This is such a sweet letter! What a fun way to share your day with your husband!!
The story you left in your comment on my blog made me laugh!!!! Thanks for sharing it!
I hope you are doing okay with your hubby gone. Glad you have a way to write about it.
Aw, the kittens are adorable!
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