Dear Rob,
Today was a wonderful relaxing day. We did nothing and stayed home. Well we did a lot or at least I did. I made 4 dresses and 2 skirts. I cut material to make camera strap covers.
The kids played all day and just enjoyed hanging out. It rained off and on so they could not go out. I am hoping to get up and mow the grass before church if the ground is dry. Then we are coming home to relax some more. I need to put away laundry but we will see.
I did change the tape on the kitten’s legs which I hate but it seems to be working. One of the yellow kittens is so cute. He comes out the most and plays the most. It is so cute. The kids cannot keep their hands off of them.
We did have a casualty today, Grace broke the change jar. Right in our bedroom carpet. I will not tell you how long it took to pick up the money and try not to get cut. Hope is happy because now she has to eat a jar of pickles.
I have not figured out how to get the pictures from my phone to the computer yet. This is where I need you.
I did get the hotel room reserved for when I go with your mom. I am staying at a Holiday inn for $78 with an indoor pool.
I looked up Camden Park on line. Can you believe it is $20 a person now? WOW and honest it did not look much better than when we went and you have to pay for parking. I cannot wait to show them some of our home town and take lots of pictures.
I love you babe and cannot wait to hear from you.
Pamela Petrie

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