Dear Rob,
Your children, yes YOUR children are so excited about taking the kittens to the vet tomorrow that they can not sleep. The kitten who had his eye closed has it back open. So now the only one I am worried about the one who does not walk as well. We will go as soon as we wake up.
We got lots of school work done today. We finally had the peeps battle in the microwave, not as exciting as the kids would have liked.
I hope your electricity came back on, I can not imagine you going without AC. I have had our AC off all day and the windows open. I even set the fan in front of the back door to pull in the cold air for a while. It rained most of the day and I love it.
Did I tell you Grace has a new favorite show. She loves Little House on the Prairie. It works great for me because now I have a excuse to watch it more. I should be recording it.
I love you so much and am hoping to get a box out tomorrow. I feel bad it has taken me so long to get it done.
I love you babe,
Pamela Petrie
p.s. do you think Grace is asleep in this picture.

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