Thursday, May 27, 2010

Letters to my Hero

Dear Rob,
Thank you for coming on line today. Thank you for needing me today. I feel so much better when I know I am helping you. I think that is one of the hardest things about deployment. The fact that I cannot help you is hard, I feel useless in our marriage when you are away. I am not washing your clothes or making sure your food is here or that you are hugged daily. Today you needed me and that made my world.
I am glad you are getting a little more rest now that makes me feel better. We had a great done. We were done with school by 1pm and I got little sewing done. We decided we are taking the day off school tomorrow and going to the zoo. The kids promised to do school on Saturday. Would you believe Michael’s hard drive arrived this afternoon. I could not believe I called yesterday and it was here today. Have I said I love BJU.
I cannot wait to go to the zoo and use my new lens. Can you believe it is Memorial Day weekend? Can you remember last year? Tomorrow starts the first time I took you to get your leg drained. If you think about it will you send me a picture of the scar on your leg, I would love to do a before and after picture.
I love you babe but if I am going to wrestle with four children at the zoo I better get to bed. I want to leave here at 7am to get on the road. I love you.
I love you babe,
Pamela Petrie


Melissa G. said...

I just want to say THANK YOU to your husband for his service to our country. And to YOU and your kids for the sacrifices you are making for our country as well! Military families have my highest respect.
God bless you!

Rachel said...

Thank you Rob for serving your country and Pam for sacrificing your family time for our safety. I appreciate it!

MamaMonkey said...

I think it's so awesome that you do this! You guys ROCK :)

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