Sunday, March 20, 2011

I didn't know I was pregnant

Yesterday I told you about my dream of our house being on fire. Well last night I dreamed I was pregnant and did not know. I went to the DR for something non pregnancy related. We started talking and realized I was 39 weeks pregnant. After she told me I was pregnant I said “oh yeah”. In my brain I remembered I had gone to my first few pre natal appointments and forgot to go to anyone else. Then not only that I had been taking home test every month and they had been negative and then every month I would start what I thought was my cycle. At the end of the dream I was trying to arrange childcare and pack a bag because it was time to go to the hospital and I had only realized I was pregnant a couple of days.
Who knows why I had this dream. Have you ever seen the show I didn’t know I was pregnant? Well I guess I had my own I didn’t know I was pregnant dream. Except what is funny is that I had just forgotten I was pregnant. By the way I am NOT pregnant


Tiffharmon2001 said...

I got a little excited by that post title! I've seen that show. Crazy! Until I heard some of their stories, I didn't believe it would be possible not to know.
I don't think I've ever had that dream. The dream you have to watch out for, though, is one where all your teeth start falling out. I had that dream within the first 3-4 weeks with each of my pregnancies. It was my first sure sign I was pregnant! :)

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